Play Kitchen:
Encourage vocabulary development by discussing food names, colors, and actions like grilling. Practice turn-taking and following directions during imaginative play.
Play Kitchen Accessories:
Work on sorting food into categories to build vocabulary, following directions, asking questions about favorites foods, and answering yes/no questions.
Mega Bloks:
Promote language skills by discussing colors, sizes, and shapes. Encourage sequencing and spatial concepts as children build various structures.
Gardening Tools:
Mr. Potato Head:
Great way to teach body parts, provides opportunities to work on requesting, and it can be used to teach prepositions and verbs.
These tiles are fun, interactive and great for children of all ages. You can use these to work on simple vocabulary and specific educational concepts such as colors. Pair with your favorite cars or toy characters and build garages and houses for them to stay in. This is a great way to encourage pretend play and gives several social opportunities.
Use Play-Doh to teach basic vocabulary such as colors and shapes. Use Play-Doh to teach verbs such as open, close, roll, cut, and push.
Trampolines are great for kids of all ages and are a great way to teach language and burn energy at the same time. Practice fun directions on the trampoline such as “spin” or “touch your toes”. The trampoline is also a great way to gain a child’s attention to teach vocabulary. Do this by tossing their favorite stuffed animals to them and labeling them as you do it or have them practice requesting by tossing a ball back and forth with them while they jump.
Snap Circuits:
Snap Circuits are great for our older kids that have a love for Science. They can use this kit to work on following directions which incorporate specific concepts.When the directions are followed correctly, they are sure to get a fun result in the end. After completing each task, the child can have an opportunity to explain why they succeeded or failed in the end.
Zingo offers a wide variety of game themes that are great for teaching vocabulary or educational concepts such as numbers and sight words. Use this simple game to teach turn taking and fun and simple social phrases such as “great job” or “bummer”. It is also great if your child is working on responding to questions or specifically yes/no questions.
Checkers is a great game for your elementary age or older child to learn basic strategy. It provides children with the opportunities to use those executive functioning skills such as planning, sustaining attention, and inhibition.
Sticker Pad:
These stickers are perfect for learning on the go. Bring them in the car, take them to church, or when you are having to wait somewhere. The stickers provide opportunities for your child to categorize, label nouns, participate in pretend play, and learn actions.
Foam Bath Toys:
Learning can be ongoing even during routines such as bathtime. Use these foam bath toys to work on building vocabulary and participate in pretend play.
Shape Sorters:
Use shape sorters to build those cognitive skills by having them match the appropriate block with the cut out in the box. It is also great for teaching educational concepts such as colors and shapes. Work on your child’s creativity or cognitive flexibility by having them try other activities with this set such as stacking the blocks or have them sort the blocks by color.
Animal Sorting and Color Matching:
Perfect for teaching your little ones animal names and animal noises. Sort these animals, practice counting, or use them for pretend play.
Little People Play House:
This set can be used to work on social communication, to teach home routines, or even to teach basic nouns and verbs.
This game is great for our older kids to work on their socializing and executive functioning skills. While playing this game your child will strengthen their ability to organize information, plan, maintain attention, and challenge their working memory.
Sensory Bin:
This sensory bin is the perfect gift for the child that craves those unique sensory experiences. As they explore this kit, they will have opportunities to learn new vocabulary, practice using sentences,and can participate in pretend play. Use the kit to also build their understanding of language by giving them simple directions or asking questions about what they are doing as they play with their new kit.
Baby Doll:
This sweet baby doll is perfect for toddlers and elementary age children. Your child will have fun participating in pretend play and the doll can also be paired with the daily routines to give them an opportunity to lead a task. Use the baby to teach verbs such as “eat”, “drink”, and “sleep”. With your older kids you can have them work on sequencing a daily routine such as getting the baby dressed or getting their food ready. The baby is also a great way to give your child an opportunity to problem solve by offering unique scenarios such as “Uh-oh the baby is crying? What should you do?”
This fun new toy is great for the elementary child. It’s a craft and pretend play all in one! Your child will be delighted to find several surprise packages within their Miniverse. All items will be used to make your special creation which then can be used in pretend play. The craft itself is great for working on following directions and you can incorporate some fun descriptive language while your child completes the craft.